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10 signs you're a makeup Junkie + more tips

Fly Away by GlobulDub
Today's post is a little light and refreshing jab at my affiliation with makeup. I thought it would be fun to make little lists or signs of what clarifies makeup addiction - kinda like an article back in the day, you'd read in a teens self-help mags article, or nowadays, you'd scroll through on something like a .. BuzzFeed. I've included gifs to embellish the text.


Believe it or not, I've been abstaining for the longest time from makeup purchases and I've kinda fallen out of the makeup researching whirlpool I was in - yes I still enjoy trawling through makeup but, I've been much more interested in finding out about weeds, octopuses and attempting to learn French (Fip radio is really good) than being caught up in new releases/products and all that hype. Yet, there are exciting things afoot and I won't leave yah hanging too long for something fresh but, don't be surprised if you find me talking more about crochet than contouring (who knows it could happen?). Lastly, this is meant to be a light post and by no means am I qualified, or telling you that you're obsessed or have a problem if you can answer yes to all said signs. I mean you might have a little bit of one - just saying ... :)

1.When someone tries to tempt you with a makeup deal or surprise you with a "new" brand or product but you've already heard about it or have it 

2. The first thing you think of with a gift voucher is makeup 
3. You have dreams about makeup ... and you find it satisfying
4. The thought of playing around with makeup gets you up in the morning 
5. You own 5 different *insert your favourite colour/shade here* and you claim they're not all the same although non-makeup people or those who don't share your fav colour enthusiasm cannot see the difference 
6. Makeup or food shopping is like a theological question 
7.Your local delivery office/postman or makeup shop assistants recognise and remember you 
8. The thought of makeup declutters fill you with trepidation and dread 
9. Makeup sales on stuff you wanted make you go a little cray-cray 
10. Spending time in the makeup aisle feels refreshing, just like a holiday 

You have more makeup than you can and will ever use in a lifetime right now 

    Other signs include
    - You no longer buy products because you don't have it in a certain shade, now you buy similar shades from the same or different brands because you want to try the "formula"
    - You buy products from brands you don't necessarily support because you want to try the formula (moral + ethics may diminish and or be slightly affected) 
    - Anyone who sees your full collection says that you could open a shop
    - When people ask you how much products you have even though you have a rough estimate of the number you change the subject - Similarly is they ask you how much you think you spent suddenly you have a headache/tummy pains/need air and must scuttle or skedaddle out of the room

    That's it ... I think? I'm sure there are more signs I've missed or could add but, why-o-why let me yap on.

    Can you answer yes to any of these signs?
    Can you think of any signs I've missed that could signify a makeup addiction?
    Let me know you're thoughts about makeup addiction in the comments below

    Your comments are always welcomed and apprci-loved!

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