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I'm back and I'm on YouTube!

Hello dears. I'm back!

I do hope you remember me. It's been at least half a year since I said hi to any of you and I really missed you guys!

Before I get ranting and stuff, I'd like to say that I'll be back to the virtual world on YouTube! I've taken great interest on producing videos and I'd really like to share my very first beauty YouTube video with you. I also have a couple lifestyle vlogs, which you can check out here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNL8pHooG9RJSautVp0WCLLhX136FHmel.

When I made the unconscious decision to take a break from blogging, I spent most of my internet time watching YouTube videos and I was really inspired to give video blogging a try.

Honestly, I knew filming videos would be harder than photography. It was difficult when I tried to film my first video and it took so many research days to properly understand videography. After a few weeks (seriously, weeks) of failure from bad settings, bad lightings, bad setup and dragging my makeup around to set up, the failures really taught me to never give up and to always be prepared rather than 'diving in' when I felt like it.

I found the voiceover part to be most daunting. I don't know how vloggers manage to sound so professional and interesting, while I sound as interesting as bread. Bread is good.

I'm looking forward to practicing more and maybe I'll one day to able to film, edit and upload videos in a day. I currently film almost a month in advance because I don't want to rush and really enjoy the learning experience.

I hope you enjoyed my first ever beauty video and I think it turned out pretty alright. =D

This video was an entry to the Maybelline NY Next Top Vlogger competition with the theme 'Friday Night Makeup'. I really enjoyed it because it was the look very very similar to what I wore when I went out partying with fellow bloggers Catherine, Karla and Sue (Love them. So grateful I met them.) I did include snippets of videos I took with them, but it's too dark to actually it's them. Heh.

Here is a list of Maybelline products I used. There are close ups of the products in the video.

Color Show Nail Polish Sequins - Golds Night Out Limited Edition
Baby Lips Lip Balm - Protecting Berry Limited Edition
Instant Age Rewind Concealer - Fair
MasterShape Brow Pencil - Deep Brown
Color Tattoo Eyeshadow - Audacious Asphalt
Unstoppable Eyeliner - Espresso
Master Precise Liquid Liner
Volum' Express Cat Eyes Mascara (Hello Kitty Limited Edition)

Boy, I must talk about this Hello Kitty Mascara. It was released way back in 2009/2010 if I'm not mistaken and I loved it so so much that I stocked up on them. I'm down to my last one and I don't think it's a good idea applying funky smelling expired mascara on the eyes. I've been trying to figure out how I can recycle the mascara tube so I can continue to enjoy the gorgeous packaging, but I don't think that's quite possible. Or is it? Don't judge me! Haha!

Alright, I'm signing off now. I think I'm starting to ramble on. I really missed talking to you guys. It took a while for me to really open up again, but I'm really starting to enjoy it now!

It would mean the world to me if you could subscribe and like my very first beauty video. I would love you furever!! I'd really appreciate the support and I really hope to provide you guys with more informational and fun videos in the future.

Love you guys!


♡ ♡ 


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