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My first attempt to contour my cheeks, ELF Sunkissed Bronzer and Bare Lips Review

Since I already have my very first bronzer, I tried to contour my face using it. I just used my Blusche angled blush brush and that's it. I made a fish face and applied it right on the hollow of my cheeks, just below the cheekbones. I dunno if I was successful in doing so or not. Here are two pictures. Apologies for the poor quality.

I hope I did it right. Anyway, on the first picture, I was wearing Nichido's Bare Lips sheer lipstick. It looks so natural on the lips.

Here's my initial review on the product.

-very moisturizing, not drying on the lips
-glides on smoothly
-very sheer color, lives up to its name, Sheer Lipstick and the color Bare Lips is so right
-cheap for PHP163 (a little over $3)
-i find it more of a tinted lip balm than a lipstick
-on the label it says it has Shea Butter
-contains Vitamin E
-with sun filter that minimize the harmful UV rays
-a local brand

-this isn't the lipstick for those who want lots of pigment

Other than that, this is ablsobloodylutely a great buy! Plus the case is pink! ^_^

Bare Lips on my lips

As for the ELF Sunkissed bronzer, here's my initial review.

-locally available
-cheap for PHP129 (a little over $2---the mark up is more than 100% because it cost only a dollar)
-quality's okay for the price (I have no other bronzers to compare it to)
-I only need two swipes to make it show on my skin

-cheap packaging (sticky glue is seen at the back of it)
-powdery (I only dabbed my brush on it and I can see powders, product gets wasted)

See the sticky glue? it's a little icky but I can manage.

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