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Perfume Review: Wintry Whites from Solstice Scents

Although it may be the year of marsala according to Pantone, in the Boston area this year's color is "Crusty Dirt-Smattered Snow", and as of this post we are barely over 3" away atop our existing 100"+ snowfall from hitting the snowiest winter ever since they began keeping records. So even though it's finally March, this season is beginning to feel even more desolate than last year's polar vortex.

Since this photo was taken we've had at least another foot of snow. Goodbye, stop sign!

Normally during the dead of winter I really look forward to plucking away at different perfume samples. It gives me something to look forward to in my mailbox! My most recent package was a collection of sample vials from Solstice Scents, but when I actually started to sample them, something dawned on me. They were all somehow related to the color white. Someone save me from this endless winter...!

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