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Pretty Stuff

Pretty stuff for you.

A Pair of Still Lifes of Roses, Variegated Tulips, Peonies and other Flowers in Crystal Vases, on Stone Plinths, 1665, Juan de Arellano

Collection Archives | Balenciaga, 1960

Negligée of bright pink satin shantung with embroidery of coloured flowers owned by Madame Bedaux, one of the designers major clients.

From Balenciaga by Marie-Andrée Jouve

Custom wedding gown for Ekaterina of Hanover by Sandra Mansour


Custom wedding gown for Ekaterina of Hanover by Sandra Mansour


Adesuwa Aighewi photographed by Antoine and Balthazar for Lords Magazine #4

Stylist: Samia Giobellina



A Pair of Still Lifes of Roses, Variegated Tulips, Peonies and other Flowers in Crystal Vases, on Stone Plinths, 1665, Juan de Arellano

credit: visionsandsensations 

Vintage French bedroom with black velvet headboards and pink bedding.

House Beautiful

Custom wedding gown for Ekaterina of Hanover by Sandra Mansour




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