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YesStyle Haul

Baba Baba by Aster Aweke
I chose normal free shipping (premium standard). It took ages - 1 month and 3 days ... To be fair, from the shipment date it was in transit for only 11 days and I was able to eventually track my order. If I'm not mistaken - I believe the way Yes Style works is that they broker products from different suppliers to you - so they have to wait to get the products themselves and then ship it to you. Plus Point: I didn't get any custom charges (praise Yahweh) and after nearly forgetting the eight things I bought, I was super excited to get my order! 

Cattle Farm Toiletry Bag/ Hanging Travel Toiletry Bag - £5.18: Pretty and useful. I was really surprised by the quality. 

Plaid Pencil Case - £3.87: The best feature for me is the inside pockets that can separate my lip balms and lipsticks. Its well made soft material. My only concern is - that if a makeup items was to spill/cap fall off etc. it would get messy (not wipe clean) and the zipper can come off if I pull too vigorously (so I used pliers to clamp it shut). Side note - I really like the clear packaging for protection its so neat!

Heart Choker - £3.04: ... this was the wild card of the order. I've never really been a big jewellery wearer - especially necklaces and perhaps having a stout neck is part of the reason. I actually have a few chokers and although I do like the style I can't help but feel stifled but imma gone try to wear it before the years done. 
Sanitary Pouch - £1.90: Just a nice way to organise "feminine care" in my bag discreetly just in case my bag spills out because, I think of these things ... 

Pinstriped Short Sleeve Blouse - £12.22: On the model this shirt looks very boxy and wide but on my broad shoulders it looks normal (I was fooling myself to think anything less). The material is a durable though somewhat "rough/tough"  mixture of linen and cotton (apparently). The off white cream colour, delicate pinstripe and layout of the shirt is really nice and classic. Its now one of my favourite easy breezy tops for summer. Pics below are from Yesstyle and shows how it looks on the model and I imagine smaller more delicate frames. They also have it in a "khaki" (more like a rusty orange brown) that I'm potentially considering now its reduced in price (grr - I think the reduced price is more reflective of what the item should've retailed for).
Yes Style - CaraMelody Striped Short Sleeve Blouse (source)
Shell Sink Strainer - £1.90: This is really huge and does what it says.
Floral Print Coin Purse in Black - £3.87: Holds all my coins well and its oh-so_cute - mission accomplished. 

Red Card Holder - £3.21: really handy. For a long time I had been using a strong elastic band to tie up all the cards I have but, rubber bands can snap, get loose and come on, it is a bit *"de-la-ghetto".

*de la ghetto - something that is simple, innovative and inexpensive but, ghetto at the same time. Examples: using ...

  • books instead of a tripod
  • a jar lid to prop up furniture instead of fixing a broken leg
  • wrapping a cut with sellotape instead of a plaster
These ideas can and do work but, only temporarily alleviate the problem. I am guilty of de-la-ghetto ways. No more I say - with nifty things like this. 

Summed Up Thoughts

I really liked my order so much that I ordered again. My second order arrived much quicker and I was pleased with everything besides a "one size" top which I should have really looked at the dimensions because I nearly didn't survive simply trying it on (LOL) ... I'm actually planning another order and would recommend YesStyle just remember to read measurements, check out all the reviews, don't be swayed by the supposed special prices that usually are way inflated than what the item actually would retail for and prepare for a lengthy wait. I'd say its a legit company (I was concerned about it being dodgy/bugs in clothes etc.) but, from my research it really depends on what you order as most things are not in Yestyle stock warehouse and they wait to get everything before shipping out your package. All in all, I'm pretty pleased esp. with free shipping starting at £28. Plus, with every review you write over time and the amount you buy you get special "discount" (more like reduced price from a mini inflation to buffer the cost - maybe?).

Yesstyle is not the cheapest East Asian (ships from Hong Kong) online retail store to buy from but, they have a nice range with unique pieces that has less of a wholesale/ebay feel like aliexpress and alibaba.


Blogging news: Don't worry I'm still in the blogging business. This year I've had to get my computer fixed twice and had to spend a considerable amount of time without the internet. It got me to think about things - like not wasting my life. I've been meaning to post a lot of things (like the post above). My aim is to get my backlog to possibly 5 posts on the back burner instead of like 45 (no joke) and focus on l.i.v.i.n.g (its the general theme that seems to pop up again and again lol). I have so many things I'm interested in and want to do, that I guess I'll just having to pick one and run with it.

Thanks for sticking with me, wherever and whoever you are - much appreciated as always. Social Media Update - I have an Instagram: I like the app though I'm a tad er cynical. Personally I favour the DuoLingo app where you can actually learn a language/ brush up on your  "lingo" (sorry couldn't resist) - I'm not sponsored or affiliated. My current  chosen language is French apparently I'm 27% fluid as of now by their standards "sacré bleu!". I certainly recommend giving it a go and I think I'm actually retaining it - kinda. 

I hope your weekend it going well 
Stay Blessed

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