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Eureka Moment: Scholl Buy 2 Take 1 Air Pillo

I've always been honest to you guys on everything I write. And here's one thing you'll learn about me after reading this post. (I bet you're really curious now eh?)

I won't blab further, I'll just breathe in and out...and tell the truth...


I just realized that I'm shouting that to the world! Well, I do ! I really don't like my feet! Why? Because they are super weak, you can see that my feet is older than my real age, and I can't wear lovely shoes with heels because I'll be limping my way home.

But before I blab further about my feet and give out too much information that may embarrass me further lol I was out shopping with the hubby last weekend and hubby was looking for something comfortable to put in his "work shoes". We found Scholl and this is not a review as i haven't used this yet.

*thinks again* If this is not a review, why am I telling everyone about my bad feet??? :( I can't get over this! LOL

Ok, the reason why I created a special post for this because Scholl Air-Pillo is having a promotion of buying 2 free 1 pair of Air Pillo! Me being a self proclaimed Smart Shopper... I have to tell you guys about this right?
Buy 2 take 1 pair Available at Landmark, Trinoma
(Php160.00+ each approx $3.50)

Hubby bought 2 pairs and the free one is mine! Here's how it looks like (photo below)

Not too thick, a bit thin, so I'm not sure yet how it would perform I don't wear shoes often, so it may take some time for me to review this Or I can always interview my hubby for a review on this :)

Start making peace with your body
I hated my feet too long, and nothing changed!
As long as all the parts of my body are working fine,
everything's ok right?

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