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Links, Episode #317

Thompson on Hollywood has notes on the transfer of Stardust to the screen and whether audiences will be charmed
Just Jared Tom Cruise and Colonel von Stauffenberg (his new role)
Cinematical stars of Grease and Grease 2: where are they now?
Kenneth in the (212) Matt Damon in GQ
The Gilded Moose "a message from zac efron's pancake makeup"
After Elton Whatever happened to queer cinema? A worthy question
The Mixed Up Files of... sees Badlands for the first time and conveys her personal reaction
Fat Wonder Woman 'nothing but a huge heiffer' this is truly niche but the drawings are great

I'll leave you with the following batch of pics. First is Tony Stark testing his Iron Man gear which Screen Rant was pretty excited about. Then we have new posters for Darjeeling Limited and No Country For Old Men plus Tom Cruise in Valkyrie, Bryan Singer's next project.

When I woke up this morning all four of these photos were on virtually every blog known to man and rather than my usual contrarianism I suddenly felt vulnerable and wanted to fit in. So here they are... maybe someone will eat lunch with me in the cafeteria?

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