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Bad Blogger!

Tea for Three by Sam Toft
My word, I really am a very bad blogger ~ I don't think I've written a "proper" post since way back in June!

There has been rather a lot going on in my neck of the woods these past few months.....not least the fact that we have made an offer on a house in Orkney, put our house up for sale and accepted an offer on it today 😲

We were up there again at the end of September for our daughter's graduation 

Adrian and I (the very proud ma and pa!) with our daughter
 after the graduation ceremony on 30th September

and thought we would take the opportunity to have a look at a couple of houses that were for sale ~ as you do LOL  Anyhoo, to cut a long story short, we ended up putting in an offer on a sweet little house.....and it was accepted!  Hopefully the sale should be completed by the end of this month 😊

Since then, life has been something of a whirlwind!  We have lived in this house for 34 years, having moved in from a furnished, rented flat, so this will be our first "proper" house move.  It has been a steep learning-curve and there have been some very stressful times already.  We had an earlier offer which we had accepted, but the would-be buyers had to pull out just under a fortnight ago when they lost their buyer, which was very disappointing as you can imagine *sigh*  So the house went back on the market again the day they pulled out and thankfully we had some interest straightaway.  A couple came to view on Monday of last week and again on Saturday, and they put in an offer today which we have accepted.  We are keeping fingers and toes crossed now that all goes through okay this time.

34 years is a long time to live in the same home and we have had an awful lot of sorting out of "stuff" to do.  Our new home is somewhat smaller than here, so we are making lots of downsizing decisions.  You wouldn't believe how much stuff we have weeded out already ~ and we still haven't finished!  It was amazing how much was being stored in our loft; some things we had forgotten about and there were a few things we couldn't even remember having put up there in the first place!  A lot of very full bags and boxes have been making their way to the charity shop, and I have been busy selling books, CDs and DVDs on Music Magpie and We Buy Books.  We haven't had too much outright rubbish to get rid of, not as much as I was expecting anyway.  We have also been able to rehome some things by putting them out on our driveway with a "Free ~ help yourself" sign in a prominent position!

I am planning on making a start on being ruthless with all the gubbins in my over-stuffed craft shed tomorrow ~ wish me luck LOL  

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