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Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert Developing A New TV Show For The CW

When I first heard the headline, I was so excited because I thought they were going to bring that ham and cheese like Xena, Herc, and Jack of all Trades back to television, but the new show Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert (Mr. Xena) are creating and producing together is a reality show called House of Horrors. Here is the synopsis as follows from Scifiwire:

"In Horrors, competitors will try to stay "alive" in a mysterious house in which they must face their darkest fears. One by one, players are "killed off" via elaborately staged "deaths" that will mix elements of the reality and horror genres. "

So what does this have to do with Bruce? Well someone has to host the show, could it be Bruce?. House of Horrors is likely to debut next summer. You can read the full briefing here.

Note, I posted another article today which is right under this one.

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