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Tempus fugit?

You know when time's wingéd chariot has sped on and on when...
you get an email saying your former nemesis is no more. That's what happened today...
I must freely admit that grammar school was a battle of wits. The fist headmistress I came across was charming yet stern, everyone loved her... Then she was replaced by one that we called 'batty' as in bats in the belfry 'mad'. That's the one who's demise was published today.

Miss Bingham 

.She haunted my teenage years, yet her father got on so well with my Dad, it was remarkable. They were both keen gardeners. Such an odd situation, headteacher I and my friends did not get on with as we all remembered how good school had been under Miss Charlton. Dad and Miss Bingham's father chatting, visiting each other's gardens. 

The local paper has done her no favours with the photo they used.

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