Three weeks ago we set 42 chicken eggs into our incubator ,some from a neighbour and some of our own hens and on Thursday when I went up into the shed I could hear cheeping.
I went over to check it out and look what I found........
Our first baby chicken and a few other eggs that had also started to hatch out.
The next morning we went up to the shed, removed the top of the incubator and found all these sweet fluffy little bundles.
We then moved them over to the brooder that we had started warming up a little earlier that morning.
We ended up with 15 chickens all up, we had a couple of rotten eggs, but the rest were just infertile.
The main eggs that hatched were mainly our neighbours eggs, ours were only off young hens and roosters, so we may just have to wait until they are a little older to try again.
Our little 2 year old granddaughter has been here for the week and this morning she came running in saying" Nanny, Baby Chick" and was pulling me towards the shed and when I got there noticed immediately two small chickens had escaped. We caught them and we then spent some quality chicken petting time with her.
We went on a picnic lunch with Miss 2 to the park and she was fascinated by the resident geese that live in the park and wander the streets close by.
Our daughter also came to stay a few days, with a baby granddaughter aged 12 weeks(Miss 2's little sister) and while here did a bit of "shopping" in my preserving pantry, she has a love of all things pickled, and the Habanero gold pepper jelly.
When we brought our granddaughter home we also brought home their kelpie dog Doug, we also then babysat our neighbours sweet little dog Lulu for a night while they went away overnight. I took this cute photo of them all curled up in their beds.
Our garden is starting to come along well now, both the flowers and the vegetables.
We have started off a few seedlings in our little plastic seed raising house.
The spinach, onions and broad beans are growing well, and the spring onions are flourishing,
And the rhubarb is also thriving in it's raised beds.the crazy flowers at the top of the steps is a mad mass of colour,and the Gazanias in the front garden really starting to bush up and add a splash of orange at the front door.The Cliveas we transplanted from my daughters garden are all budding up and starting to flower, we were worried that they may not do well in the winter here but it doesn't seem to have worried them at all under the jacaranda tree, they must have enough protection there.
I have finally got my first Lilac bloom, I am so happy. i grew up with lilacs blooming outside my bedroom window, and they always remind me of my sweet grandmother who has long since passed away.
We had also transplanted a whole pile of Iris's that we had in pots on the coast, hopefully by next year they will begin to bloom, i doubt if we will get any flowers this season.Our orange pig face is also madly blooming, the King parrots unfortunately love them and are always chewing at them and we have lost a few plants recently.
We used to have a large amount of lavender plants but some of them were aging and have died off, I intend to add a few more new ones to fill the empty spaces. The agave that I brought up from the coast is also doing quite well, and the frosts didn't seem to worry it either, luckily it seems to be in a fairly protected spot too.
Now that we are here full time, and have sorted a lot of the water issues, the garden is finally beginning to improve, but there is still a long road ahead of us in that area, still very much to do in that area.
I hope you all are well and happy and stay that way until we meet up again.
Take care Everyone,Cheers,
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