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A doctor, an engineer, and a free-lance writer were at the Pearly Gates and Saint Peter wanted to know why they should go on through.

The doctor said that he had healed many people in his career.  Saint Peter looked up the doctor's name in his book, frowned, and told the doctor, "It says here that you've also sinned a lot in your life.  Sorry, but you have go downstairs."

The engineer went on and on about all the great engineering projects he had designed throughout the world.  Saint Peter looked up the engineer's name in his book, frowned, and said,  "Yes, but it says here that every project you worked on helped to destroy the environment.  You're going to have to go downstairs with the doctor."

The free-lance writer started by saying, "Well, I'm a free-lance writer..."

"Say no more!"  Saint Peter said.  "You've already been through Hell.  Welcome to Heaven!"

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