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Hazy Autumn days


Still flowering profusely.

Labyrinth has done so well, especially as she was left in the ground all Winter. Her 'friend' Cafe au Lait didnt fare as well this year, producing one flower and then fainting. We discovered that something had eaten the roots. I read that Lorrie has managed to keep her Cafe au Lait going. It is a spectacular Dahlia growing up to 5 feet and producing huge flower heads.

We wake to misty mornings now. Looking over the village I can only see hazy outlines of trees and roofs. Later it clears and there is a thin sunshine for a while. Then we get caught out as an immense rain shower sweeps the roads and gardens.

It's definitely turned into full Autumn.

Trees are dropping their leaves quickly now, and I recreated a moment of childhood the other day as I whooshed my feet through piles of brown and yellow fallen leaves. This was the time when we were in France that we started to look for the Sweet Chestnuts on the trees nearby, (not to be confused with Conkers). We'd roast the chestnuts with our neighbour on his fire, sprinkle with a little salt, and enjoy the fruits of Autumn..

By 4 oclock I am drawing the curtains to keep the dusk out, switching on table lamps to give a warm glow, and wondering what Winter will bring. It's time to plant the bulbs for Spring, daffodils, tulips, crocus, all bringing a ray of colour in the future months.

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