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Kiss This!

Huntress, aka C.D. Coffett, over at Unicorn Bell invited writers to submit a 300 word sample of a Kissing Scene over at her site.  The last day for entry is Oct. 12 and I am almost certain prizes will be awarded.  I submitted a scene from my Work In Progress, though I will not tell you which submission is mine.  I invite you to visit her site and participate in the reading process.  These submissions are not being critiqued, but each one can get a vote of Yay or Nay.  In other words, you either like it or you don't.  Anyone can vote, so have fun:)  Fair warning:  It's pretty hot in there!!!

P.S.  I did post HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY earlier today, so back up one post to get in on THAT party.  There might be something dedicated to YOU!!!!

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