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Late February Weekend in Haworth, Brontë Country

Last Sunday the weather here in Yorkshire was incredibly nice for this time of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the warmest and sunniest February day on record. I must admit it was a bit shocking, and I wasn't sure what to make of it, but the truth is that it was a stunningly beautiful late winter/early spring day. And I was so grateful to be able to pay my first visit of the year to Haworth, the place where I need to go to as often as I can; the place where my heart tells me to go to; the place where my soul finds respite and my mind inspiration for everything I do/want to do in my life; this is where my home will be in a not so distant future, I hope.
There was a lot I wanted to fit in a still short winter day: a walk on the moor; a visit to Brontë Parsonage where a new exhibition opened at the beginning of the month; a look around the Main Street shops, and a hearty meal and relaxing moment in one of the village's cosy haunts before I headed back to Leeds. And of course, a bit of photography, too.
I came to Haworth very light with only my iPhone for a camera. It felt so good and liberating to walk around without the heavy weight of my DSLR. I kept my backpack as light as possible as well. 
Here are the photos I've chosen to share as my favourites of the day.

Delightful crocuses in the churchyard were a must to include in a photo.

It was a snowdrop time and the snowdrops made the churchyard look ethereally pretty. 

Church Lane bathed in the mellow February sunlight.

Detail from Mr Patrick Brontë's room at the Parsonage. This year marks 200 years of Patrick's appointment as a perpetual curate of Haworth, and to celebrate this there is an exhibition at the Parsonage under the name "In Sickness and in Health".

The kitchen, which was the heart of home life at the Brontë Parsonage.

Branwell's room, an ingenious and moving installation created for Branwell's bicentenary two years ago. I was pleased to see it still in place for a third year running.
Path to Oxenhope taken from the junction of two paths the other path leading to the right on to Penistone Hill, part of Haworth Moor.

View of Haworth from Penistione Hill

Looking towards Worth Valley from Penstione Hill

Penistione Hill landscape

Literary Sculpture on Penistione Hill

Penistione Hill moorland

Camping on Penistone Hill

I have now installed a third photo editing app on my iPhone - PhotoToaster (the first two being Snapseed and Mextures) and have used it as the main app to process these images. It's a very good app and I think I'll use it a lot, especially its lighting and colour fixing brush.
I am hoping to get to a stage where I process the pics taken on iPhone on iPhone only, but at the moment I find that app presets, while interesting and appealing on one side, can make the image look rather flat; can cause dull highlights, loss of brilliance, or they can produce blown out highlights or too contrasty shadows. For that reason I gave each of the pics a quick fix in Lightroom after I finished editing them on my iPhone. I think the secret is to use app presets sparingly and in moderation. I intend to make a note of what works best in each app for me personally and stick to those choices.

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