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Miss Christy, I'm incredible.

Today's segment is supposed to be a spotlight on a performer. I'm debating whether or not I should resist the urge to spotlight Errol Flynn, not that he needs it around my blog. Any thoughts? I'll hold off until next week. Instead, today, I'll write a big, warm, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Millie!!!

My attempt picspamming would be pretty pathetic so I decided to just post one really cute photo. Millie's blog is absolutely delightful. If you haven't checked it out, you should.

I've been horribly behind on my blog reading and commenting lately. I caught up today, finally, reading over 170 posts in one afternoon!! Because I was so behind, I missed two bloggers' birthdays. I hope Millie won't mind if I add good wishes to them too. Happy belated Birthday to Anna and Francy!! I hope your birthdays were swell!!

Thank you for all the comments on last month's daily posting experiment. I've decided to go ahead and do that again this month with dancing ladies (although, ironically, Joan Crawford will not be on the list).

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