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One month left...

It's now 30 days until Lawrence of Arabia's re-release! Everything seems tentatively in place: I've managed to get out of work early on 10/04, and convinced. Once payday rolls around I'll pre-order tickets and everything will be set.

Some additional treats: the Restoration trailer can be viewed here, and it's a beaut. And here's the first review I've seen of the upcoming Blu-Ray release. Be sure to look for the three-disc collector's edition if you want the "seduction scene" and other goodies though.

For those of you not deathly sick of this topic, I'm hoping to blog on the film some more in the lead-up to the release. Some topics I'm interesting in covering, in one form or another, are its historical accuracy, portrayal of Lawrence and perhaps missing scenes. I might even dust off my long-mooted Robert Bolt piece. Given my failure rate with past promises though, I don't want to say anything for sure. 

For those who are, rest assured that I won't neglect other areas. With the unofficial start of fall, it's soon time for a new Coming Attractions article. And who knows, I may even hit a theatrical release soon.

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