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Saturday, What is it with people?

     We have had quite a few deaths in our Church lately.  This requires funeral meals and service.  Who has not received food at the death of a loved one?  But we are having a really hard time getting people to sign up.  I am on a limited budget, but I can always get a cake mix out of the cupboard and make some frosting.  Or boil some potatoes and make a casserole of funeral potatoes (I call them that).  Macaroni salad, Jello salad.  Are all most all people selfish, lazy, cheap, broke?  What is it?  Come on it is not that hard to give some small amount of service in a time of need.  After all was not that the mission of the Savior?  Wasn't his entire ministry based around the love of all mankind?  That means your make a cake cranky puss.  Okay I feel better now.

     We had a nice dinner last night.  This older couple we went out with have a very beautiful home, but I don't think they saved enough for retirement.  They were self employed.  Now both face some extreme health problems.  It is sad and makes me want to save all the more.  I don't need to be rich but I do want to be able to afford hearing aids for Hubby and the things we need.  Then I think these  people had 6 children, where are they?  I guess I am thinking this as my Dad's only sister lives in Minnesota and is on a very fixed income.  Every year on her birthday (the anniversary of my daughters death)  I send her $500.00 to help pay her taxes.  I know that my two sisters also help her with large sums of money.  Her children are unable to do so and we have done this since her husbands death 4 years ago.  I am coming out from under my financial fog and just beginning to realize how lucky I am and how bad off many others are.   Especially the elderly who can no longer earn.  It is scary.  

     S is home to teach a master class today.  I also have to sew today, which I don't like to do on Saturday's but the taxes put me behind and the shop looks like a disaster area.  I am also going (I think) down to get a camera today. I want to add pictures to the blog of my organization and cleaning for Carla's challenge.  You all know that Little Lamb snuck (I know not a word) into my house and took a picture of my tupperware cupboard.  She got it from the wrong angle.  I know she made it seem worse than it really is.  So if you people are going to treat me like that I will have to have some defense.  My own camera!

   I am going to make some breakfast!

Have a great and productive day!


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