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Snack food sand traps

People never seem to complain about eating too much fruit. Nope, it's always the cookies, cupcakes and candies we seem to devour in the extremes.
This week, ROUTE 1 readers turn their attention to snack magnetism by answering the following FRIDAY QUESTION:

"What snack food always gets you into trouble?"

MIKE D. -- My kids like to eat cheesy popcorn during our Family Movie Nights. Whenever I get into a bag, I can't seem to stop eating the stuff. I always regret it the next morning when I'm very dehydrated. Kind of like a popcorn hangover.

ANNIKA H. -- Chocolate
SANDYE V. -- Cookies are my downfall, especially when they are homemade. I can't eat just one. Gotta have a handful.

KERI M. -- All of the Tim Hortons roll up the rim coffee winners that I keep getting stolen from my pockets from in the staff room at work. Sorry, just a little bit more than pissed right now.

JOHN S. -- Cheetos. I can't stop until I have orange stained skin to my elbow!

RICK T. -- Anything chocolate.

LISA Y. -- Potato chips. Can't keep 'em in my house!

ERIK H. -- Certain ice cream products, such as those Snickers ice cream bars. Wish I had one right now!

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