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The First of the Next (2009)

Now that the BLUE TAXI CD is done (though not quite yet in circulation), I can put my muse to other things. Actually, I've just completed a new one. It's called "Matching Smiles", and it was inspired by a beautiful story I've had the pleasure of watching unfold in the life of one of my online friends.

I tried following the advice I got from the recent contest, particularly with the vocals. Instead of belting it out, I sang "gently" and stacked it. I used a fattener effect only on the main vocal track. I'm not sure how satisfied I am with it...mainly because my voice just keeps getting worse thanks to my persistent throat trouble. I also tried some different mastering techniques for tone and level.

This song is also notable in that all the synth parts except the drums were done using software rather than hardware synths. Details on this and other things can be found on my Minstrel's Muse site.

Please listen and give me your comments!

UPDATE: Now that I know she won't mind my mentioning this publicly (Sorry...I'm still reeling from that privacy issue with my blog two years ago), I'd like to say that the song is about the recent ongoing odyssey and romance of blog friend Olivia. (Specifically, it was inspired by the pics of her and her Jeff smiling together on this post.)

(Did I just hear a blush?)

Anyway, as it turns out, the timing of this song probably couldn't have been worse (or better?) because Olivia and her family have been struck with tragedy. Her mother has just been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (commonly known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the US, the best-known form of which is Lou Gehrig's Disease). Olivia has always seemed to have a knack for keeping her cool at the worst of times, but I know how hard this must be, especially after having gone through my mother-in-law's cancer and death in recent years.

Best wishes, Olivia!

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