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The Columbia River Gorge is a magnificent thoroughfare. Every time we drive it, I try to imagine what the Columbia River must have been like in its wild, undammed state. I also try to imagine being a pioneer in a covered wagon (or more likely, on foot beside a covered wagon) inching west, seeing the land change. Going east is interesting; returning west to the mountains and tall trees thrills my soul.

On our drive home yesterday, I took photos through the car windows – some even turned out. :-)
Rick thinks the wind turbines are ugly, but I like them – and what they do!
The smooth folds of earth remind me of heavy fabric.
There are lots of bridges over the river; this one looked best to me in b/w.
I didn't realize the deck was up on this bridge until I downloaded the photo!
I took this from the rest area at Memaloose State Park.
I love reading interpretive signs and learning new things!
When the trees start soaring, so does my spirit. :-)
Travel knitting. Wish these were an FO, not still a WIP!
I hope you enjoyed the journey.

That's it for today from . . .

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