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by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
Twitterific is a compilation of all the writing links I shared the previous week.
The links are fed into the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine (developed by writer and software engineer Mike Fleming) which has over 19,000 free articles on writing-related topics. It's the search engine for writers.

Sign up for our free newsletter for monthly writing tips and interviews with top contributors to the WKB or like us on Facebook.

Mike Fleming is working with author and writing coach James Scott Bell to offer an online, interactive, writing program to help make your next novel great. It's called "Knockout Novel" and you can learn more about it at KnockoutNovel.com. Plus, all the data is stored in your Hiveword account for easy access.
A free directory of cover designers, formatters, freelance editors, and more: http://bit.ly/nolbXq

The 5 Least Promising Scenes for a Superhero Story: http://bit.ly/W4bs9D

10 things writers should know about knives and knife fighting: http://bit.ly/15nS26A @ajackwriting

11 ways to support a writer's new book: http://bit.ly/W4bKxg @ChuckSambuchino

Are Unrealistic Expectations Killing Your Writing Career? http://bit.ly/15nSiCy @cerebralgrump

How 1 writer has dramatically increased her word count: http://bit.ly/W4bWfV @KatieGanshert

How to Correct an Awkward Interruptive Phrase: http://bit.ly/15nSstx @writing_tips

How to Get Your LCCN (Library of Congress #): http://bit.ly/15pb6Br @MyBookShepherd

2 Ways to Hook and Keep Your Reader: http://bit.ly/W5jxLg

Why We Should Try Writing in Second Person: http://bit.ly/W5jCP8 @write_practice

The Case Against Blogging: http://bit.ly/W5jHCu @SarahPinneo

Using stock photos for your self-pub covers? Remember, other authors can use the same image: http://bit.ly/15pciof

Book Design, Internet Marketing and the Nature of Human Consciousness: http://bit.ly/15pczHL @jfbookman

How to Write Better Dialogue: http://bit.ly/W5kZNA @SHalvatzis

Self-Pubbed Authors Share 5 Things They Learned in 2012: http://bit.ly/W5l3gw @livewritethrive

Tips for showing, not telling: http://bit.ly/15pcOmg @beccapuglisi

Character Development: Lack and Compensation: http://bit.ly/W5laIT @AimeeLSalter

Don't Worry About Other Writers Stealing Your Ideas: http://bit.ly/15pcYda @ava_jae

The central question of our plot: http://bit.ly/W5lhEe @Diana_Hurwitz

Tracking Time in Your Novel: http://bit.ly/W5lmYw @PBRWriter

7 tips for staying motivated by self-created deadlines: http://bit.ly/W5lrLT @JennaAvery

An introduction to kid lit: http://bit.ly/15prv8M @DIYMFA

How to Deal with Crushing Feedback on Your Creative Work: http://bit.ly/15prJgh @markmcguinness

Think Like a Publisher 2013: Projected Income:

3 Warning Signs When Bringing Your Own Emotions into Fiction Writing: http://bit.ly/YwP4r7 @cateartios

To Space or Not To Space and Other Typewriter Formatting Throwbacks: http://bit.ly/YwPeif @howtowriteshop

Options for Reactions in a Sequel: http://bit.ly/YgKJGz @KMWeiland

The Difference Between Book Wholesalers and Distributors: http://bit.ly/YwPZHX @BookMarketer

Sympathetic Characters: Betrayal: http://bit.ly/VttNQb @mooderino

Writing Without Expectation: http://bit.ly/YwQYrJ @aswinn

Should Overseas Publishers Americanize Their Authors' Names for US Distribution? http://bit.ly/Vtuby7 @EdNawotka

Ian McEwan: "My Uneasy Relationship with Fiction": http://on.tnr.com/VtuPf3# @TNR

What Makes a Writer Want to Rock Out? http://nyti.ms/YwSEBj @jrobertlennon

11 Reasons Your Blog is on a Road to Nowhere (And What to Do About It): http://bit.ly/YjAamw @problogger

5 lessons 1 writer has learned along the way: http://bit.ly/VtvT2J @jmstro

Serious Fiction and #LegitLit: Creating a Hybrid Home: http://bit.ly/YwUjqC @JennieCoughlin

A writer reports how her sales translate to Amazon rankings: http://bit.ly/Wod8Ao @_ChristineBell

Water as a metaphor: http://bit.ly/YwUwds @charmaineclancy

he Internet Trap and What To Do About It: http://bit.ly/VtwwJp @juliettewade @DeborahJRoss

How will shrinking shelf space impact publishing? http://bit.ly/YwVg27 @danielsm1

A Book Marketing Pro With 3 Epiphanies About Social Media Marketing for Books: http://bit.ly/YwVwON @Sparkabook

Tips for better imagery in our stories: http://bit.ly/134SeId

Where are the older women in SF/F? http://bit.ly/XMZ1if @hawkwing_lb @tordotcom

The book deal--comparing different publishing options: http://bit.ly/XMZ6Cw @behlerpublish

Stories need conflict: http://bit.ly/XMZf8Y @VickyThinks

How to Promote Your Books on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/134SOWu @goblinwriter

Four Techniques to Show Rather than Tell: http://bit.ly/XMZkJI @MarcyKennedy

7 Keys to Book Architecture: http://bit.ly/134TbjR @Book_Arch

Building an Audience in the Literary Novel Genre: http://bit.ly/134TnPX

What B Movies Can Teach Us: http://bit.ly/XMZCAt @julie_gray

10 Greatest Prison Breaks in Science Fiction and Fantasy: http://bit.ly/134TLxW @io9

How SF Can Highlight Our Historical Bias: http://bit.ly/134Uijn @MattMitrovich

Pride & Prejudice 200 Years Later: http://bit.ly/XMZXTL @Myretta

More Answers to Questions About Commas: http://bit.ly/134UwHn @writing_tips

Why You Should Work From a Coffee Shop, Even When You Have an Office: http://bit.ly/XN04yw @wesleyverhoeve

Conflict: Finding the Correct Balance: http://bit.ly/134UTS7 @americanediting

Freelancers--a query checklist: http://bit.ly/15xRjjb @karencv

What if You Don't Feel Like Writing? http://bit.ly/YduQm8 @authornordin

How realistic does a created world have to be? http://bit.ly/Ydv2lA @juliettewade

Why Apple is the stumbling block in Amazon's ebook transition: http://bit.ly/15xRA5C @laurahazardowen

Formatting Your Ebook, The iTunes Way: http://bit.ly/WgZ33G @susankayequinn

Hilary Mantel's rules for writers: http://bit.ly/15xS1Nw @fcmalby

What and How to Revise: http://bit.ly/YdvH6z @fictionnotes

Self-Publishing and Traditional Publishing: Enjoy the Best of Both Worlds: http://bit.ly/15xS9fI @cjlyonswriter @janefriedman

Timelines in the Author Business Plan: http://bit.ly/YdvRL8 @SusanSpann

In Defense of Complexity: http://bit.ly/Ydw15h @KgElfland2ndCuz

Avoid modifiers: http://bit.ly/YdwhRA @litreactor

How to Raise the Stakes in the First 50 Pages of Your Novel: http://bit.ly/15xSGOW @BrianKlems

Signs You've Chosen the Wrong Protagonist: http://bit.ly/15xSK0U @KMWeiland

Tax Prep--Is Your Writing a Hobby or a Business? http://bit.ly/15xSSgX @ashkrafton

Writing in the morning for night owls: http://bit.ly/YdwBQp @criticalmargins

The Character's Freedom: http://bit.ly/15xT003 @ShellyFrome

Smashwords: All Function and No Form: http://bit.ly/YdwPqD @scottmarlowe

5 Parallelism Problems in In-Line Lists: http://bit.ly/15xTbbE @writing_tips

Writing the High ROI Screenplay: http://bit.ly/Ydxh8g @storydepth

How Feedback Can Make you a Better Author: http://bit.ly/Ydxrwt @ollyrhodes

Using adverbs wisely: http://bit.ly/15xTGCF @melissadonovan

How To Promote Your Book on Social Media – Without Shouting: http://bit.ly/YdxKaN @jonathangunson

Reminders vs. Repetition: http://bit.ly/15xTUJO @MaryVeeWriter

10 Dos and Don'ts of Writing a Query Letter: http://bit.ly/12ReV2m @brianklems

How much does an author's appearance matter? http://bit.ly/XGcewS @passivevoiceblg

Songwriting--how do you sell your songs? You *don't* sell your songs: http://bit.ly/XbScHt @usasongs

The Power of a Reader's Word of Mouth: http://bit.ly/X4B6Lu @jodyhedlund

Avoiding the Convenient Plot Point: http://bit.ly/Xm2h7B @davidbcoe

Beware the Under-Cooked Story Concept: http://bit.ly/YjAH7X @storyfix

Listservs and Forums for Book Marketing: http://bit.ly/Y1AW94 @fictionnotes

Fleshing Out Your Protagonist: Creating An Awesome Character: http://bit.ly/U0b4w8 @woodwardkaren

Creating Sympathetic Characters: http://bit.ly/U07lyB @Lindasclare

1 writer reflects on her 2-year self-pub anniversary: http://bit.ly/U0ciaS @goblinwriter

31 Simple Ways for Writers to Maximize Efficiency in a Home Office: http://bit.ly/U06r5f @lifehackorg

Why You Need to Embrace the Conflict in Your Story: http://bit.ly/14KjXfB @joebunting

Business advice roundup for writers--accounting, marketing, branding: http://bit.ly/YDDUBx @kristinerusch

Have we planned for success? http://bit.ly/TFxq60 @behlerpublish

Quick marketing tips: http://bit.ly/11KNhiS @melissabreau

Writing Your Tragedy: http://bit.ly/14KplQO @janelebak

Top 10 fantasy mash-ups: http://bit.ly/X2MLyd @guardianbooks @danabnettclub

Can't hit send? http://bit.ly/X2MMSO @rachellegardner

Surviving The Ups and Downs of Being a Writer: http://bit.ly/YKRulZ

The Financial Reality of a Genre Novelist: http://bit.ly/X2NyPU @galleycat

Authors, Stay Off the Page: http://bit.ly/13yj8Ef @authorterryo

The 10 Most Notorious Parts of Famous Books: http://bit.ly/X2R2lq @gabehabash @publisherswkly

Tips for Hiring Editors: http://bit.ly/X2R50k @kristinerusch

Storyboarding For Success: Plotters vs. Pantsers: http://bit.ly/X2R9gK @ChuckSambuchino

How to Survive Rejection 101: http://bit.ly/YmLdir

Why Pinterest contests are easier than Facebook contests: http://bit.ly/WhXKA3 @PublicityHound

Write Like You Mean It: http://bit.ly/YmLMIR @KeithCronin

What To Do When Writing Gets You Down: http://bit.ly/WhY1mw @bluemaven

3 Things You Need To Know Before Writing A Female Protagonist: http://bit.ly/YmMPsj @VeronicaSicoe

On Writing Full-Time: http://bit.ly/WhYIfB @BrianKeene

Today's vampire – a needy, neurotic wimp: http://ind.pn/WhZCcf @Arifa_Akbar

Words that aren't actually approved words: http://bit.ly/YmORc6 @writing_tips

Using Physical Activity to Banish Writer's Block: http://bit.ly/WhZSYL

9 books on reading and writing: http://bit.ly/ZDTYqZ @fcmalby

How Much Will it Cost to Publish Your Book? http://bit.ly/ZDU16j @wherewriterswin

Plot is a Four-Letter Word: http://bit.ly/ZDUfdH

Yes, Narrators Can Still Die: http://bit.ly/Wm8L3t @chihuahuazero

The Business of Screenwriting: Sometimes you just have to say "Yes"… even to crap projects: http://bit.ly/ZDUllr @gointothestory

How to Know When You Are Killing Your Scenes: http://bit.ly/WmAsJt @JeanOram

Tips for choosing a narrator for your audio book: http://bit.ly/ZEhfsZ @karenrosesmith

Worldbuilding and Plot: http://bit.ly/WmAZuR @davidbcoe

Sympathetic Characters: Unfairness: http://bit.ly/ZEhEM5 @mooderino

Don't read your reviews: http://bit.ly/ZEhXX6 @Michelle_Gagnon

How to Find Your Creative Sweet Spot: http://bit.ly/WmCf0X @emilywenstrom

How to Find Your Creative Sweet Spot: http://bit.ly/WmCf0X @emilywenstrom

Using spreadsheets for writers' business deductions: http://bit.ly/ZEj7C4

Eliminating Redundancy in Your Writing: http://bit.ly/ZEvdLr @writerscramp1

The Top 10 Mistakes Writers Make When Self-Publishing a Book: http://bit.ly/WmOOcQ @guykawasaki

Stories do not need a Nemesis character: http://bit.ly/WmONFz @gointothestory

Tips for sticking with a habit: http://bit.ly/ZEvvSz @leobabauta

Top 10 DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) For Songwriting: http://bit.ly/ZEvCgU @usasong

John Cleese on the 5 Factors to Make Your Life More Creative: http://bit.ly/ZEvIVV @brainpicker

10 Elements of a Successful Writing Career: http://bit.ly/WmPnmT @buddhapuss

Author vs. Characters: Can Our Morals Be Different? http://bit.ly/ZEvXA5 @jamigold

Getting Started With Microsoft Word Styles for Book Layout: http://bit.ly/WmPz5x @JFBookman

How to Survive the Waiting Game: http://bit.ly/ZEwfqK @ava_jae

Great Character: Lt. Aldo Raine ("Inglourious Basterds"): http://bit.ly/WmPTkS @gointothestory

The Power of a Storytelling Model: http://bit.ly/WmPY7Z @storyfix

So You Want To Quit Writing? http://bit.ly/WmQmDq @museinks

The Writer as Inventor: http://bit.ly/ZEwJgG @SarahrCallender

Mystery writing--the butler did it? http://tinyurl.com/a7jy62e @kbowenwriter

Come in late and leave early for an effectively written scene: http://bit.ly/ZEioka @jeanoram

Points of view: an overview: http://bit.ly/XX3qiv @p2p_editor

Buying your way into the bestseller lists: http://bit.ly/XYFtas @Porter_Anderson @mitchjoel @JeffreyT1

Literary agencies experience mergers: http://bit.ly/Ww4BWB @Porter_Anderson @jonnygeller @jasonashlock

A look at characters who evolve throughout crime fiction series: http://bit.ly/Xakh5N @mkinberg

10 steps to blogging success: http://bit.ly/YXAhVe @mollygreene

The desire for respectability as a theme, and motive, in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/XEx5B4 @mkinberg

LibraryThing and Goodreads: Meeting Readers, Book Giveaways and Finding Reviewers: http://bit.ly/XETCNW @fcmalby

Advice to a post-Nook Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/XFPxJy @Porter_Anderson @jwikert @laurahazardowen

6 Pitching Tactics You Can Learn From Blake Snyder: http://bit.ly/Y4wq81 @goodinaroom


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