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WHAT IF............

Today I am addressing a "what if" scenario.  I don't mean to sound political or anything.   I just want everyone to think about something for a while.  Think about it seriously.

We have all heard about the banks closing in Greece and the chaos it caused.  We have all heard about the financial situation in Puerto Rico.  We have all heard about the devalued money in China (hmmm, that sounds familiar).  The list goes on and on.
We all like to think that these things do not affect us here in the good old U.S.A..  Well guess what?  They do.

What would you do, if the banks closed here for a week, a month, 2 months.....???
Folks it has happened before, so don't think it can't again.  Seriously, would you be able to survive?

Do you have plenty of food, health supplies, cleaning aids, pet food, etc. on hand to last for significant amount of time.   Do you have cash on hand at home?  Do you keep 5/10 gallons or so of extra gasoline on hand (just in case)?
Remember - you may not be able to get money for a while!  If you aren't prepared at home, you may do without.  If banks are closed, stores and gas stations may have a hard time getting new orders (no bank no credit, no bank no deposits, etc.)  At least with cash on hand - you could barter with others, or patronize those few places that may be open.

It is scary to think about, but folks it's something that each and every American needs think long and hard about.
I have been listening to financial experts, politicians, religious leaders, and many just pretty darn intelligent lay people, and almost all are predicting some HUGE financial problems for this country as soon as September.  That's to say bigger problems than we have right now!

I am not saying to panic.  I am saying you just need to be prepared for anything at anytime. 
A side note to prepping - don't tell people to what extent you have prepared.  Desperate people do desperate things.
Take care and make a PLAN!

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