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Winner! Winner!

Happy Wednesday
Gotta Love "Hump" Day!

Give Away includes One Wonderful Romantic Country Magazine and Pink gummy cadillacs and a delish box of Shortbread cookies.

Since I have never figured out that Raffle Copter thingy we picked the names for the give away the old fashion way.  We put all 114 names on pieces of paper and then My hubby Terry picked out the winners from the trusty fire chief helmet!!!

Ta Da and the winners are Susie from She Junks and Jo from Annie's Attic.  Congrats girls just email me your address and your gifts will be on the way to you.

Thank you everyone who entered.  I wish I had a prize for all of you sweet bloggers.
Thanks for all your wonderful support of my blog over these past 3 years.
Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Come back on Saturday for Spotlight I have a wonderful blogger for you to get to know.

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