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You Gotta Peek At This

Short version
Estate Sale
Very busy
Went to CA Tuesday
to take furniture and stuff to DD
Returned Thursday
No time for pics or stories
She has promised to get pics of their wee abode
It's adorable

Back to Client today
Countdown to Sale
Here is just a wee fraction of what is for sale
Peek away

Yeah Yeah fuzzy pics taken with no light and FAST

Red Bins here and about 6 more
filled to brim with glass ornaments

Tables filled with serve ware
Hundreds of pieces - just a few here

1 entire garage bay filled with silks

Hutch already sold

So, local gals....
If you are not on list you will not be able to attend
so email me to be added.
Deadline approaches.

Far away gals...so sorry you cannot join us.
and no we cannot take orders and ship.
We're feverishly setting up- 
we have much still to do...

This is one very tired


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