OK so I took a look at this video and the first thing that I said was, "BATTLEFIELD 2 Commander"!
It allows up to 5 players per team to set up a region or base and defend or attack an area. Of course, Armored Core is one of the most customizable games I've ever played so the ACs have a wealth of weaponry and setups I'm sure. The commander can then set up defenses and all other kinds of stuff which looks sooooooooooooooooo cool.
One problem though..... I HATE THE CONTROL SCHEME FOR AC games! I'm a die hard Mechwarrior fan so typically the Armored Core control scheme is skill less in terms of marksmanship. Most everything is lock on, fire, and forget. Then, in most of the games I've played, the enemies were so bland and the animation made the explosions and the battles feel like an old school 3D N64 game. It just didn't do mech combat justice in my eyes. I even enjoyed Chrome Hounds more than playing an Armored Core game. I would always buy one, play the first level or so, and then trade it in. It just felt too much like an arcade game and not a sim.
That reminds me. Whatever happened to that mech game they were so hot about during E3 when they were showing trailers? Hawken I think it was.
I was so hype for this game as well. Maybe moreso now since Mechwarrior Online is to be for PC and not consoles.
I'm telling you, as time goes along I find myself wanting more and more to get back into PC gaming. Only problem is the PC that I have is about 6-7 years old. That is ANCIENT for a PC especially when it comes to gaming. To play some of the games I'd like to play I'd need at least about $800 bucks and that is on the low end.
I'm probably a good year away from being able to spend that kind of money and by then I'll need to start saving for the Xbox 720! Urgh!
So many games, so little time..... and money!
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