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Hashtag Overload..

Today , we should take the time to reflect on the last 72 hours . Reflection on the genocide that is happening to our people once again. I am sick to my stomach of seeing hashtags and BlackLivesMatter, while they continue to discard us like last weeks dinner. The worth of an African American in this country to the police is less than nothing . However , I feel that they are afraid . Afraid of our greatness , beauty , courage , strength , talent ands intelligence. Police brutality is like the modern day lynching . People want to say AllLivesMatter , but continue to treat us like shit. At times like these you realize who is who? And as soon as you speak out for African Americans , you are racist and cause the problem. What have we ever done to them but be Black? Why does the color of our skin make us less than human in their eyes ?

There have been plenty of celebrities speak out and say absolutely NOTHING . This is not your time to discuss you own stories , we don't care . You've live to see another day and actually do something about it . These two men in addition to countless others will never see their family again. These children have lost their parents. But you have these white people appropriate our culture and never speak out about anything that we go through. They love everything about us until it's time to speak up about what really plagues our culture.  All Lives Matter? Then why are they only killing US! We have our own struggle we don't have time to fight your fight too. We can not handle the all of the minorities plight and ours as well. And for people saying "I'm mixed , All Lives Matter". Not one racist cares about that drop of Asian, Indian , Puerto Rican etc. drop of blood when they see you have brown skin.

That badge is equivalent to a KKK robe , they walk away with no reprocussions. Some even get transferred ,to only cause more terrorism in another community. With no remorse , apology or concern . They say put your hands up , don't talk back . But both of these men followed orders and are still gone . What must we do ? 

No matter what we do , they will never care about our lives . This system was not built for us. So we must stand up  and take matters in our own hands. They loved Beyonce , but as soon as she spoke . They must have realized she was Black all of a sudden . Because they protested her and spoke against her existence . 

No matter how much money you have, degrees you earn, neighborhood you move into ,high tax bracket you enter , to them you will always be a Nigger! Don't try to conform to their standards because no matter what they will never accept you as their own. Build up your own communities , support your own businesses , invest in your own people ..


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