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Miniatures for sale

If you like any of models below and would like to give it new home - simply mail me on the address: info(at)szacowanie(dot)elblag(dot)pl

Warmachine bile thralls unit:
group of 6 models ready to play. Again - models painted with acrylics and varnished - more pictures in the gallery (check the right panel).
I also made a tutorial about painting these which has been printed in Gameforces Magazine. So it's a once in a lifetime occasion to get "famous" minis ;)
If you get the models I can add that zine to the parcel free - but remember you cover the shipping cost.

Scratch built Rhino transporter:
This piece was painted for a contest (if I remember correctly) but since I cannot use it in Necromunda - it's also on the bye-bue list. Artifical water was made with Vallejo Still Water thingy.

Converted Moria troll:
The model was converted and painted for the FUUK painting contest and after that it was main striking power of my scavvy gang. In the meantime I got 2 original scalies so this one is now looking for the new master. Some more pic to be seen in the gallery.

Italian Autoblinda:
Model of WW2 military vehicle, 1:48 scale makes it fit most of tabletop games.
At least it should.

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