Who cares what picture we see?
Larry Hagman would have - as long as we didn't ask on Sunday - so we're going with this one:
One of my very favorite movies of all time. I first saw it on the big screen - front row center. Then some time later we had installed cable in our house and weird things were going on - there was a programming feature that showed a movie not yet available to HBO or Showtime Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night, then not the next Thursday, but the Thursday a week later. Four showings - and I watched every one of them when they showed Superman. Then Showtime showed it a couple of months after that - and I watched every showing I could.
I'm guessing I saw it a dozen times or more by the time Showtime took it off the schedule. Already by this time I could recite the movie's dialogue line for line. I still can - with a few dozen more viewings in the years since.
However, I promise I won't do that if you want to come watch it with me - from a nice DVD box set - unless you want me to...
Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!
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