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Django Unchained: A First Look

Calling Tarantino fans, calling all Tarantino fans... Check out the brilliant production stills from his newest film Django Unchained, which is due to drop Christmas Day here in the States. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Johnson, Kerry Washington and Zoe Bell, Django is Q's loving tribute to the Sergio Leone/Clint Eastwood genre of the Spaghetti  Western.

The  film tells the story of Django, an ex-slave turned bounty-hunter determined to rescue his wife from a brutal plantation owner. Can we say, oh hell to the yeah? I have been dying to see this since I first heard the concept. I mean Q and Spaghetti Western... that is a recipe for total awesome sauce in my opinion. 

 Lookie, lookie...

I have to say color me intrigued and impressed. How about you all? Are you as giddy as a school girl for Justin Bieber for this like me? Meh? Or Puhleeze, Mel, another Tarantino film? Don't make me vomit. Talk to me.

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