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Boswell's Track, Onerahi.

Yesterday's walk was along Bowsell's Track at Onerahi. It is a formed along the disused Kioreroa-Onerahi Railway Embankment which serviced the Onerahi Wharf between 1911 and 1933.  It used to have a 300m timber truss bridge with a 10m lifting span to allow boats to pass.

It  now passes through mangroves with planting along the sides of the track.  The weather was cloudy but we did not get the forecast showers.  There were numerous Tui flying about and singing as we walked.  They are always a joy to hear.

 The walkers setting off.
 The view across the mangroves towards the harbour
 One of the bridges
 The small river
 A colourful Banksia
 Houses at Onerahu viewed across the mangroves
 The sign at the end of the track where we turned around and headed back.
The track.

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