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Winter at Nelson Crest and More Crafting, 2022




 Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Just a reminder, I will be posting on Wednesdays and Sundays every week so be sure to check back on those days to see a new post...... 
Today, I am going to be sharing some crafts that I have recently done and Nelson Crest, my Victorian Doll House, decked out for Winter....
   But first, Thanks to Linda, over at Life and Linda, for choosing my post, Pink Valentine's in the Dining Room, as one of her features from last week's Love Your Creativity Link Party!!
 Thanks so much, Linda!!

Please stop by and link up to this lovely party!!!

And now for a few Personal Notes...

 Today is February 2, 2022


222 and any variation there of is my Angel Number....

What is an Angel Number??

Click HERE to read about it....

Why is 222 my Angel Number?

Since my Dad passed away, I started to see 222 everywhere.....on license plates on cars in front of me, when I would wake up in the middle of the night at 2:22am. etc.

Yes, Joe has won on the PA Lottery Daily Number 222 many times over the years....

Why 222?

My parent's address number was 222...

And ironically, the last day I saw my Dad alive was Sunday, 2/22/1987 as he and my mother came to baby sit my sons , who had chicken pox, so Joe and I could attend his Grandmother's big 80th birthday party....

4 days later, on Thursday 2/26/1987, my sister would find my Dad dead...

2/22/2019 was the first day that I no longer had to go to work after being put on medical leave because of my need for knee replacement surgery and since I never returned to work again, I consider it the first day of my Retirement....

This should be an interesting month....

On Sunday, Jim and Danielle and our Grand Pups came over for a visit.....
 Faye with her Mama....
 Faye chomping on a chew stick


 Azumi giving her G Pop some loving!!

 Azumi and Jim
 Azumi and a chew stick

Yes, they both need to be groomed!! 

They are waiting until it gets a bit warmer....

Faye hiding with her chew stick

 Uncle Joey and Faye

 Azumi and Uncle Joey

Time to go home....

 Since Jim and Danielle gifted me this 3 D representation of a photo of Faye....

 They now gifted me one of Azumi!!

So Darn Cute!!

 The light base can be set to revolve the crystal that is placed on top of it or to stand still..
 When it revolves around to the back of the picture, it looks like Azumi's head is following you ....

The side view...

 I have them side by side n the shelf of the TV Entertainment Center...

 They can be plugged in but also use batteries which is what I am using....
Jim and Danielle have several of them including smaller ones with sayings and quotes on them in addition to ones of Faye and Azumi.....

 Art Pix 3D is where they ordered them from....

We ordered from the WB Scranton Pens Food Service Reheat and Eat again this week....
We will be having these for Dinner tonight.... 
Joey and I will be having the Breaded Chicken Italiano with Orzo Pasta topped with a garlic and parsley butter sauce, green beans and a dinner roll.....

 I will take Joey's green beans, which he will not eat and give him my dinner roll, which I surely do not need to eat.....

Joe will be eating this!!!

Grilled Flank Steak with peppers and onions and roasted potatoes and a dinner roll....

We will see how Mr. Picky likes it.....

If not, he will have to make a Burger King run and Joey will be eating the potatoes!!!

I will let you know how it goes!!!
In my last post, I shared Valentine's Vignettes in the Living Room.....







 Click HERE if you missed it....

You may remember that I bought a few Valentine's things at Dollar Tree......

I decided to embellish some of those items.....

This sign is hanging in the Dining Room on the divider between the Dining Room and the Living Room....
 How it now looks....
 I embellished it with some red tinsel trim....
 Red roses and pink hearts....

Looks so much better....

 I also bought these small red metal envelopes ....
 My FB friend Angela embellished the ones that she bought at Dollar Tree....

And also did the same to these larger ones which I could not find at our Dollar Tree stores....

She inspired me to do something similar, using things in my extensive Craft Stash!! 

These are the ones that I did!!
 Here is what I did with the 3 red ones....


 And I could only find 2 pink ones....


You could also make your own envelopes using card board or fabric....

I also bought this......

And embellished it to look like this....

 I also added some of the same trims to these heart boxes that I embellished years ago....

The only picture I have of this sign before is this one.....

I also embellished it....

 And I decided to hang it over here....

I did the same with a red one....

i hung this one above the front door on the pediment....

Since I was playing with trims. I decided to use up a bit more of them.....

This is how this vintage Valentine's card looked before....

I added some trim, ribbon flowers and beads to it....

 And I added a bit more to already embellished boxes....
Found a perfect trim for this metal heart box....
And added a trim around the sides of this one too!!
 I also bought this sign in Dollar Tree.....

The same sign in in Michael's for $14.99!!!!!
Now on sale for $8.99!
I wanted to do something different with it and in a way that if I chose to, I can use it year round as I love the saying on it.....

So I went through what wreaths I have left in my stash and found a straw one.....

I am no lover of the black and white and red and white buffalo check craze so I wanted to use up this ribbon that was bought on Clearance a few years ago.....

 So I decided that this roll of 25 feet of ribbon would be enough to wrap around this wreath....

I pinned it in place and I used the entire roll.....

 It almost looks plaid the way that I wrapped it....

 I wanted the sign to stand out more against the ribbon so I outlined it using a marker.....

So much better.....

 I glued it to the wreath....

I hung it in the hallway from the Living Room to the Kitchen and Powder Room......

A heart wreath that I made a long time ago.....

And a heart plaque that I also made....

 I liked how that wreath turned out so I looked to see what else I could do with this sign.....

I clued it to an evergreen wreath....

Glued some snowflakes

And pine cones that Joe bought on clearance after Christmas to the sign and to the wreath....

And now I have a new wreath in the Den....

 So there you have all the crafting and "dabbling" I have been doing....

 I still have some more ideas so I am sure I will be sharing more things in future posts....
And now to the second feature of this post....

 Nelson Crest in the Winter time....
 I took away anything having to do with Christmas on the outside....

But left out all the Winter things...
 The left side yard.... 

I left the garland around the door on the balcony....

A sled is in the front yard....

The front porch....

 Milk and eggs have been delivered....

 Skates are left outside after ice skating...


 Snow men have been built....


The right side yard....

All the Christmas decorations have been packed away inside...


The 2 white trees in the front yard of Nelson Crest are from Dollar tree and light up, changing colors.... 


Nelson Crest will stay like this until it is time to decorate it for Easter....

 I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the crafting I did and how Nelson Crest looks like in the Winter....
 Speaking of Nelson Crest, is anyone else watching the series The Gilded Age on HBO MAX!!!!! 

My sweet stars!!

What a feast for the eyes!!!!!

It was created by Julian Fellowes of Downton Abbey fame and is set around the Turn of the Century in New York City...

Much of it is filmed at the Newport Rhode Island Mansions which are magnificent and the costumes are nothing short of stunning!!!!

I highly recommend this show....

 I watch each episode twice so I can take it all in......

Click HERE to see the Series Trailer.....

 I hope that you will be back to visit again on Sunday when I share my Winter/ Valentine's Annual Home Tour.....
Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!

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