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About three weeks ago I accidentally trod on Ruperts tail, it left a lump of fur on the carpet and I didn't think I'd done any harm.
He refused to talk to me for about 2 days running and hiding when ever I went near to him.  I had to lay down by the bedside and coax him out for tickles but eventually he got over it and we were the best of friends again thank goodness.

Yesterday we noticed that the end of his bushy tail was looking a bit thin and on inspection found that about an inch of tail was hairless and looked a bit dry, of course it was straight along to the vet who at first thought it might be ringworm but on my telling him that I trod on the tail some time ago he thinks it might be broken.

The picture makes it look a bit gruesome and worse than it was as the vet removed all of the fur,  there was a poodle puff on the end when he went in the surgery, but it doesn't actually look bad at all at the moment.

We have to keep a close eye on it and see what happens, if the fur starts to regrow and the bare tail doesn't show any signs of change it seems that it will be okay but if the end starts to look odd or change in any way we could be looking at an amputation of the end of his tail.  Apparently it all depends if the blood is still flowing to the tip or not and only time will tell.

So, keep your fingers crossed for him and me that the fur regrows or we shall be looking at a hefty vets bill.

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